Sunday, May 20, 2012

From Seed to Salad

Mesclun Mix

One week after planting seeds

I've been harvesting lettuce like crazy and it's been great.  There's nothing like going out on my deck and cutting what I need for the day's salad.  I was able to start cutting lettuce leaves about five weeks after I planted the seeds and it seems like the more I cut, the more they grow. 

Once the weather gets really warm, the lettuce will "bolt", or go to seed and that pretty much marks the end of the growing season.  However, because it's a cool weather crop, I'll be able to replant in the fall--probably around mid-September.  So if you didn't plant any lettuce this Spring, I'll remind you that you'll have another chance when the weather cools. 
Ready for harvest


Anonymous said...

So nice... I just put some mix salad seeds in a big squared pot on my balcony and I am now so looking forward to see my salad growing.


Miriam said...

Dear Orchidea: Thanks for writing. I'm glad to hear that you are growing lettuce too! You can't get any more organic than taking a few steps outside to get what you need for your salad! I hope you have a great gardening season. Looking forward to hearing from you again. --Miriam