Sunday, March 31, 2013

Broccoli in March

Broccoli in March

I planted broccoli very late last year; I think it was the end of October.  Even though it's a cool weather vegetable, it occurred to me that once November rolled around and I still didn't have any broccoli, I probably should have started it a little earlier.  But then I looked out at my container at the beginning of this month and I noticed these florets.  I had broccoli on all four of my plants!  It was oh-so-tasty in my salad.

I've started making plans for this year's garden.  There's major cleanup to be done, which I'll document here--it won't be pretty though.  And I'll post the new things that I plant in the garden this season.  Look for posts on the weekend throughout the growing season. 

Bookshelf:  Container Gardening Books