Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Return of Jean Mermoz

Things are moving along in the garden. I was able to make some progress today. It was a very volatile week, temperature-wise. I hauled a bunch of things in the house because we had a few nights last week when the mercury dipped below 45F.

Meanwhile, many of my perennials have come back quite nicely. Here is Jean Mermoz, a delightful little shrub rose that grows to between 2 and 3 feet high. It's hardy to zone 5 and the bloom is but just 1" (maybe a tad more) across. I ordered it by mail last year from Antique Rose Emporium. Don't look for it this year, it's sold out. The early bird definitely catches the worm where this shop is concerned. They ship from September to mid-May and they sell out fast so you have to be one of those plan-ahead types. Mark your calendar now.

Bookshelf: Container Gardening Books


Louise @ Buddy Garden said...

I ordered Fairy Rose from the same company last year. Do you prune your rose? I pruned mine couple of months ago and I think I pruned too much, it's not looking too good now. I hope it'll bounce back.

Miriam said...

Hi Louise:
No, I did not prune that particular rose. When it comes to pruning, I'm stymied--I don't know where to start, and if I do start, I don't know when to stop. So I just don't do anything. Jean Mermoz did not appear to suffer as a result of my neglect, but I think I will make a point of learning a bit more about pruning technique. I don't think you should worry about your rose though. I think the roses from Antique Rose Emporium are pretty tenacious. --Miriam