Saturday, June 25, 2011

Yes You Can-Can!

Brachyscome "Blue Zephyr"
Calibrachoa "Terra Cotta Can-Can"
Today's post features two flowers:  Calibrachoa "Terra Cotta Can-Can" and Brachyscome "Blue Zephyr".  Both are annuals and are fantastic performers in a garden.  Although about 60% of my container garden is comprised of perennials, I think it's important to plant a selection of annuals every season.  Yes, it means shelling out some cash but, in my opinion, the trade-off is worthwhile because I am rewarded with plants that bloom like gangbusters until the first big frost. 

I planted these two together because I loved the bold color combination.  They need full sun and since I have them combined in a relatively small container, I water them every day.  My experience with Calibrachoa is that it can stand pretty intense heat and even if it starts to wilt in the July late-day heat, it will bounce back quickly if given an additional drink.

Calibrachoa is really a mini petunia.  You'll also see it referred to as Million Bells.  Brachyscome is of the daisy family.  You can shear back this plant as the blooms fade to encourage more blooming.

Can you grow these?  Of course you can-can.

Bookshelf:  Container Gardening Books


Anonymous said...

Wish I could come have lunch on your deck this summer. Or, better yet, burgers and dogs.


Swimray said...

Wow, terra cotta can can is really interesting. Do you know if this series also comes in other color combinations? Where did you get this one?

Miriam said...

Swimray: Thanks for your comment. Actually, I do have lots of other colors of calibrachoa--I'll be sure to post them soon. But I got this one at a local nursery called Merrifield Garden Center. Their selection is always amazing. --Miriam

Lisa said...

My favorite color is purple so I would say that Brachyscome is my favorite between the two.

This is my first time to visit your site and I find it very interesting to read. I like the flowers. Stress relieving.

Lisa from Beginner Free Guitar Lessons