Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What's Up Doc?

Carrot "Tonda Di Parigi"
I bought carrot seeds last year that I never got around to planting so I planted them in May of this year.  This particular carrot is called "Carrot Tonda di Parigi."  I bought the seed packet online from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company.  This is a 19th-century Parisian heirloom carrot that only grows to about 2".  I harvested these a little early because I couldn't stand the suspense.  They still tasted fantastic.  They were very sweet and nothing like the bland, watery carrots that I always seem to get from the grocery store. 

So this type of carrot seed can be planted in 2-3 week intervals all the way up to the first heavy frost.  And because they are short and stubby, a deep pot is not really required.  It takes about 60 days for the carrot to reach maturity.

Bookshelf:  Container Gardening Books


Swimray said...

Good going. I have terrible luck with carrots such that I don't even try any more. It's either me or the hot DC weather.

Miriam said...

Swimray: Thanks for writing. I was pretty happy with how these turned out so I'm going to plant more in August. I'm also going to try another variety. I'll report back. --Miriam