Sunday, August 19, 2012

True to Its Name (Sort of)

Butterfly visiting Butterfly Bush "Royal Red"

This is a new butterfly bush that I planted this year.  Yes, it's true, it does attract butterflies as you can see in this terrific shot (photo credit goes to my husband--thanks hubs).  But here's the name of this butterfly bush:  Royal Red.  Hmmmm.  Looks purple to me--not just in this photo but also in real life.  Well, I'm not one to quibble.  Red, purple, whatever.  I'm just glad the butterflies are coming around.

Butterfly Bush "Royal Red"
Royal Red likes full sun, will grow up to 6 feet high (maybe not as high if in a container--we'll see), and is hardy to zone 5.  I don't have it in a very large pot so I expect to have to replant it as early as next year.  I was just short on pots this year so I had to make do.

Bookshelf:  Container Gardening Books


Swimray said...

I have a white butterfly bush for the first time this year, and it rarely attracts butterflies. It keeps blooming, though. The zinnias however are butterfly magnets!

Miriam said...

I've seen some butterflies hanging around my zinnias as well although I didn't plant as many this year as I have in previous years. White butterfly bush...I may have to put that on my shopping list for next year. --Miriam